Monday, May 31, 2010

Start Of The New Day

Two units of red blood cells ordered for me today. That means benedrill. Benedrill means me being like passed out for half a day. That means no breakfast, no shower, no walk until my body is able to release from the drug hold. Even though we have negotiated reduction of the benedrill from 25 to 12.5, the lower dose benedrill near knocks me out.

The nurse comes in with stocking feet. "Pardon me," she says. "I stepped in TNP and though I've washed my shoes, they are still squeaking. "What good is a night nurse if she can't sneak up on you?" she asks. Her stocking feet approach honors my domain. I am reminded of the cultural compliment and cultural mandate of taking off one's shoes before entering the home. Welcome to my home room in your stocking feet.

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